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Why Doesn’t CBD Work For Me?

Why Doesn’t CBD Work For Me?

So you finally purchased CBD oil. You were looking forward to experiencing its benefits. Yet, when you used it, you felt nothing.

You might think your CBD oil is not working. This left you wondering if the CBD oil you bought with your hard-earned money is a dud or if you used it the wrong way.

CBD oil has a wide variety of health benefits, but it may not be working for you.

Several factors impact the efficacy of CBD oil, from the quality of ingredients to mislabeling to your unique body chemistry, which also means that CBD “may not be for you.”

Let’s explore the 6 potential reasons why your CBD oil fails to produce the desired effects.

Reason #1: Your CBD Oil Comes From an Untested Source

You should be suspicious when you hear about CBD oil that did not undergo testing. If your CBD oil did not undergo lab testing, then there’s no way for you to know if it’s safe for consumption or not. If the CBD oil has been tested by both the company and a 3rd party tester, then you can be assured that the product is of the highest quality and safety.

A Certificate of Analysis (COA) from such testing should include the results for the product’s chemical profile — cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, etc. — and for common contaminants, such as pesticides, heavy metals, or microbial impurities.

Reason #2: You Need to Build Up CBD in Your System

Image of a person taking CBD drop

One of the best benefits of CBD is that it’s non-psychoactive. This means that you can take it wherever you want without worrying about getting high. However, this also means that it can take some time to build up in your system to the point where it’s effective.

You may not be taking enough CBD to notice any significant effects. For many people, CBD may not produce desired results with only 15-30mg of CBD taken per day. If this is the case, increase your dose by 5mg and wait at least two hours before retaking more.

If you’re uncomfortable increasing your dose within a day, try increasing it after a week. Keep increasing the dose until you notice a positive change in your well-being.

Watch your CBD intake and how you’re feeling. Observe your progress and see if it improves or gets worse. You can make use of your phone’s note-taking app to keep a safe copy.

Reason #3: You’re Not Patient

“Is CBD a scam?”

It’s something many beginners say when they’re not feeling the effects, even after one single drop of CBD oil.

Many believe CBD oil doesn’t work simply because they aren’t giving it time to work. Although some of the products on the market claim instant relief, this is rare for many people.

On top of that, many CBD oil products on the market today contain additives that can interfere with its bioavailability—which means how well and how fast a substance is absorbed or becomes available inside the body. Because of this, it’s impossible to predict when they’ll take effect.

When purchasing CBD oil, look for high-quality products free of harsh chemicals.

Depending on how you intend to use CBD, it can take several weeks to have an effect on many people. Lucky ones notice the difference and enjoy the benefits after just a few days.

Reason #4: You’re Using the Wrong Administration Method

Your CBD oil may not be working as well as it could be if you’re using the wrong administration method.

There are different ways to take CBD oil. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks. Which is right for you will depend on your lifestyle, reasons for use, and how you feel about the various methods.

The three most common administration methods are:

  • sublingual (under the tongue)
  • oral (swallowed)
  • topical (applied to the skin)

Sublingual administration is best used if you’re having trouble swallowing or experiencing nausea. Through this method, CBD enters the bloodstream faster than oral ingestion.

Oral administration may be a better bet if you want to avoid smoking or vaping but don’t like the taste of full-spectrum CBD oil.

Topical application may take a bit longer to take effect but provides localized relief from aches or anxiety in areas like the head, neck, back, or shoulders.

Reason #5: You’re Expecting Miracles From CBD

You might be tired of traditional medicine and its harmful side effects. As a result, you’re going all-in on CBD and have high expectations (no pun intended).

An increasing number of people are praising CBD oil for its many health benefits. Many consider it to be a powerful alternative to traditional medications. With that said, CBD oil is not a magical cure-all for all sicknesses.

There’s also another reason why people have too many expectations from CBD oil. Many opportunists recognize the booming CBD industry. These people market their products in a sleazy manner. They exaggerate or even make false claims to make money from people desperate to buy CBD.

Reason #6: CBD Is Not for You

Despite its many benefits, CBD may not work for everyone. Response to CBD also varies from person to person. Every individual’s endocannabinoid system operates uniquely. [1]

Your body’s reaction to CBD will depend on your metabolic and genetic makeup. It’s generally understood that those who are metabolically healthy or who have a normal endocannabinoid system are likely to experience enhanced effects of the substance earlier than those with endocannabinoid deficiencies.

It’s also important to understand that not everybody can handle CBD oil. A small percentage of people don’t get any kind of relief from CBD.

This often means two things:

  • Their system is not running well enough for any supplement to help.
  • They have a condition where the symptoms are too overwhelming for supplementation to make a difference.

Certain medications and supplements can interact with CBD and cause an adverse reaction. So before you buy CBD oil, make sure you’re not using anything that could interact with it.

Tips for New Users: How to Ensure CBD Oil Works for You

It’s not always easy to understand and use CBD oil effectively, especially when you’re just starting out. Sometimes, we just have to know how to take CBD oil the right way. In some cases, it’s where you get your CBD oil that makes the difference.

For those who are new to CBD oil consumption, here are some tips on how to get the most out of it:

Tip #1: Know the Function of CBD

Image of CBD Oil and Hand holding it

CBD is derived from cannabis plants and it has a variety of therapeutic benefits. If you’re new to CBD, there are a few things you should know to ensure that it works for you.

CBD can be used in many ways, including oil, capsules, gummies, topicals, and edibles. It’s important to choose the format according to your lifestyle and personal preferences.

CBD has a complex function in the body. It might not address all ailments, which is why a person should research their symptoms to find out if this product will help them before they buy any products.

You can learn more about CBD’s functions in our CBD Knowledge section.

Tip #2: Know Your Preferences

It can be difficult to know which CBD products will work for you. Knowing your preferences helps a lot if you’re looking to get the best CBD product.

The most common consumption method is oral or sublingual use, whether in the form of a capsule or mixed with food or drinks. CBD can also be inhaled through an e-cigarette or vaporizer and topically applied to the skin.

People also look at factors such as convenience and taste preferences. If you’re always pressed for time or looking for a discreet way to take CBD, you may prefer an oral capsule.

Tip #3: Buy From a Reputable Source

A new CBD shop seems to pop up out of nowhere every day, making it harder to find a good CBD oil. You have to be extra careful about what you buy and where you buy from.

It would be wise to buy from vendors who are committed to producing high-quality CBD oil. They don’t cut corners in the production process. This increases your chances of achieving your desired outcome.

Tip #4: Use Full-Spectrum CBD

There are three types of CBD products:

  • Full-spectrum CBD. This type includes the entire spectrum of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids found in the cannabis plant.
  • Broad-spectrum CBD. It has all the components of full-spectrum CBD, except for THC.
  • CBD isolate. True to its name, this is pure CBD and contains no other compound from the cannabis plant.

While CBD isolate is 100% CBD, full-spectrum CBD is believed to be more potent. Full-spectrum CBD products have been linked to positive changes in mood, better resting time, and markers of physical discomfort, among many other health benefits. They’re also more accessible than their counterparts.

Tip #5: Buy Lab-Tested CBD Products

Image of CBD Oil Bottle in a Lab Test

The FDA doesn’t regulate any substances derived from cannabis, including CBD. This means that any company can produce a supplement with CBD without oversight on how pure they are. So when you’re looking for a CBD product, get those that have been tested by third parties.

Lab-tested CBD products are free from pesticides, heavy metals, and other contaminants that could harm your health.


There are many reasons why your CBD oil may not be working for you. Before you completely give up on CBD oil, try using these tips to improve your results.

Many users claim that CBD helped them in improving their quality of life. But if used the wrong way, you might just as well be throwing your hard-earned money down the drain.

Remember that quality is paramount when it comes to the efficacy of CBD oil, especially considering the lack of regulations on the market. Make sure that your CBD comes from organic hemp that has been grown without pesticides and synthetic growth boosters. The CBD oil should be extracted without aggressive solvents and carry a batch-specific COA from an independent laboratory.

Are there any more tips you can share with new users to ensure they get the most out of CBD oil? We’d love to hear from you.
