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CBD Oil in Florida: Is It Legal & Where to Buy in 2023?

CBD Oil in Florida: Is It Legal & Where to Buy in 2023?

Florida has recently made progress towards medical marijuana, allowing patients with a medical marijuana card to obtain CBD oil that contains a significant level of THC if they have a qualifying condition. Therefore, it’s no wonder that more and more people become interested in the health benefits of CBD oil.

But did you know that Florida also allows the sale of CBD products without prescription? Of course, the friendly law applies to hemp-derived products that contain less than 0.3% THC and thus provide the benefits of CBD without the buzz.

If you’re looking for the best places to buy CBD oil in Florida, this article covers everything you need to know about the local market as well as online options.

After reading our guide, you’ll be able to easily weed out unreliable companies and quickly get the right product for your CBD needs.

CBD Oil in Florida 101: Laws Surrounding Hemp & Marijuana

The legal status of CBD can be murky and vary between states.

That’s because different rules apply to hemp and marijuana when it comes to making CBD products.

Marijuana-derived CBD oil will contain significant levels of THC, the intoxicating compound. Marijuana is considered federally illegal, along with its derivatives, although individual states can regulate their legality within their jurisdictions. To date, 11 states have legalized recreational use of marijuana, with 33 states having some sort of medical marijuana program.

Laws surrounding hemp are even more liberal in Florida.

Let’s break down the legal intricacies behind hemp and marijuana.

Is Marijuana CBD Oil Legal in Florida?

Marijuana was not off to a good start in Florida.

In 1933, a young man named Victor Licata murdered his parents, two brothers, and sisters with an ax. Although he had been previously treated for mental illness, the police report and press associated his violent crime to marijuana cigarettes. As it was shown later after the murder, there was no evidence to back up Licata’s alleged marijuana use.

In 1985, a Florida watermelon farmer was arrested for having marijuana plants on his land. The state court convicted him and gave him probation. However, 5 years later, the federal government punished him to life in prison for the same offense.

As of today, possession of fewer than 20 grams of marijuana can result in 1 year in prison and a fine. Anything above that figure can land you in jail for up to 5 years, not to mention a suspended driver’s license even if your crime was unrelated to driving.

Although the state of Florida still doesn’t allow recreational marijuana use, it’s possible to join its medical marijuana program.

Is Marijuana CBD Oil Legal for Medical Use?

Florida made first progress towards medical marijuana in 2014 when governor Rick Scot signed Senate Bill 1071 into law, approving a single non-intoxicating strain of marijuana — Charlotte’s Web — to be used as a treatment for those with epilepsy.

Charlotte’s Web doesn’t contain enough THC to get the user high.

After two years of struggle to expand Florida’s medical marijuana system, the state lawmakers reintroduced Amendment 2 in 2016, succeeding with 71.32% of the votes. Residents of Florida can now access medical marijuana to relieve their medical conditions.

If you want to buy medical marijuana CBD oil in Florida, you must be suffering from one of the debilitating conditions listed in Amendment 2. These conditions include:

  • ALS
  • Cancer
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Glaucoma
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • PTSD
  • Any other debilitating medical condition of similar nature where a doctor deems medical marijuana treatments beneficial for the patient.

Applications for a medical marijuana license can be filed if the patient has tried other treatments without success.

Unfortunately, the Florida Amendment 2 doesn’t allow growing your weed. You must buy your medicine from one of the state-licensed dispensaries.

How does CBD oil from hemp fit into this?

Is Hemp CBD Oil Legal in Florida?

CBD oil is available in different forms, such as tinctures, capsules, balms, creams, edibles, vape juice, and even pet products.

The CBD oil that comes from mature hemp plants contains less than 0.3% of THC and thus can’t get the user high.

In 2018, President Trump signed the amended version of the 2014 Agricultural Act, removing hemp from the Controlled Substances Act. Hemp is now an agricultural commodity and can be grown, manufactured, and sold for a variety of purposes.

If your CBD oil is produced from industrial hemp plants, you can legally buy it in Florida over the counter.

You don’t need a doctor’s prescription to purchase this type of CBD.

Products with a THC content higher than the federally accepted limit are only available in medical dispensaries for patients with a medical marijuana license.

Wondering how to buy hemp-derived CBD oil in Florida?

Here are a few handy tips.

Shop for CBD Oil Online to Get the Best Products in Florida

Purchasing CBD online comes with a few perks that you won’t find in-store. It’s by far the easiest and the most convenient way to find quality products in Florida.

Online stores generally have more types of CBD in stock. When buying CBD online, you have access to the whole world of CBD products, whereas local stores usually offer two or three forms of CBD from a limited number of brands.

It’s just easier to compare products from several companies quickly, without having to drive around searching for reliable local stores.

You can also do fast research about the products you purchase. All you need to do is open a company’s website, go through their mission statements and CBD sourcing details, read third-party lab reports, or get in touch with other users on social media groups or forums. It would be difficult to conduct thorough research on a company in a physical store, especially now that many companies are selling products with less CBD than stated on the bottle. Others use unwanted chemicals, including pesticides and solvents.

A well-informed decision will help you separate mediocre companies from premium suppliers within minutes.

If you still prefer to buy CBD locally in Florida, the next section lists several places that may be able to point you in the right way.

Local CBD Stores in Florida

Freeway road sign in Miami, Florida

Here’s a short ranking of good places selling CBD oil in Florida. See if you can find your city on the list!

Best CBD Stores in Miami

  • Miami 420 Marijuana Doctor
  • Miami Vapor Shop
  • Trulieve Miami

Best CBD Stores in Orlando

  • Orlando 420 Marijuana Doctor
  • KNOX Cannabis Dispensary
  • Trulieve Orlando

Best CBD Stores in Jacksonville

  • Trulieve Jacksonville
  • Laughing Grass
  • Your CBD Store

If you don’t see your city in our ranking, check out a reliable source of CBD online.

Key Takeaways on Buying CBD Oil in Florida

Florida has recently shifted its policy towards cannabis. The Florida government has recently implemented a comprehensive medical marijuana program for its residents, allowing patients with a medical marijuana card to use high-THC strains as an alternative treatment for their medical conditions.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a medical marijuana license. CBD oil from hemp is legal in all 50 states, and Florida is no exception. In fact, the state is one of the best places to find hemp products in the United States. There are plenty of suppliers to choose from, both in-store and online where you can purchase premium CBD products.

We generally recommend finding a trustworthy online store to avoid problems with untested products and leveraged prices. Always make sure that your CBD oils come from organic hemp, are extracted with CO2, and double-checked by a third-party lab to ensure that your product is pure and matches the advertised potency.

An informed decision will help you get the most out of the health benefits of cannabidiol.
